One week 'til due date

My due date is one week away. That means that this little one could show up at any point! I truly hate to admit that I would love for it to be sooner rather than later, because I don't want to wish away this season of pregnancy. Vaughan and I can't imagine how our lives are going to change so I'm really trying to enjoy these last moments together as a couple. We've been spending them with friends and family and I've been loving my quiet time at home with Moose, Max & Stella while on maternity leave. 

As we get closer to the due date (or "guess date), I swear I see more and more tiny little ones while I'm out and about and it makes me so impatient to meet ours! Baby Thomas has been kicking and moving around as much as ever. I've even had a few contractions at night, but by the time morning comes around, they go away. I've read this is normal, but it gets my hopes up every time!

No real updates to report, but each day brings us a little closer to parenthood. Soon our little one will arrive and it'll feel like he/she has always been here. Can't wait to find out the gender of this baby!

Soon enough!


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