The Fourth Month

What in the world, my little Finn is 4 months old! He weighs 14 lbs. 14 oz. and is growing and learning so much every day! He's grabbing toys, rolling from belly to back, and starting to get on a good nap routine. This little munch is happy most of the time and loves to GO, GO, GO! He'll be crawling in no time. 

This month, Finn spent his first night away from momma, went on vacation to Ocean Isle Beach, and made a few new baby friends (Milly, Autumn, and Charlotte)!

Mr. Finn, 

You are so special to me and I don't know if I could ever truly put into words how much I love you. You're so silly and it's amazing to see your little personality start to show these past few weeks. I'm sorry about all the time we have to spend in the car - I know you hate your car seat. But sometimes you feel better about it if you can hold your Sophie during car rides :) You're so strong and smart; holding your head up, scooting across the floor, and grabbing your toys and paci. I'm amazed at how much you've grown and learned in only 4 short months. You've taught me so much about love and about myself. You're one amazing little boy. Momma and Papa love you so incredibly much!


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