The Tenth Month

My little love is ten months old. TEN MONTHS! We have to send out birthday party invitations this month. What the what?!? I don't understand how this happened. It's seems completely crazy to me. I'm sure next thing I know, I'm gonna turn around and he's gonna be 5. Then 15. Then 25.

This momma life have definitely taught me to appreciate the every day things because the days pass to very quickly. Finn is close to walking (he took one step so far), eating like a champ, and giggling when he sneezes. He's also getting close to sleeping through the night! He's in his crib most nights and usually only wakes up once or twice to eat. I'm so proud of him! Looks like I may have a bit more sleep in my future! Whoop!


Thanks for keeping me grounded and making me laugh. It's me and you most days, bubs, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for napping well so I can work and for sleeping longer stretches at night so I can sleep, too! We've gotta stick together, ya know? I love watching you light up in the morning when you see me, in the afternoon when you're playing with Max and Moose, and in the evening when poppa comes home. You make everyone smile and I'm so grateful you're mine.

-Your momma


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