The Eleventh Month

Clearly life has been crazy because here we are, almost in June, Finn is already one, and I'm posting his 11 month blog post! But I wanted to finish out the year in months. So here goes:

Finn's little personality has really started to shine through this month! He thinks sneezes are hilarious (his and ours) and laughs every time. He says "mamama" and "dadada" almost constantly - I think he's gonna be a talker. He loves to be chased - he crawls away if you say "I'm gonna get you!" and eventually just gives up and lays down so you can catch him. It's pretty adorable. He's sleeping in his crib all night usually with only one wake up. He's also consistently taking 3 hour naps which has been AMAZING for my work schedule!

He's officially taken 4 steps and I can tell he'll be walking all over the place any day now! He has also started throwing little tantrums if you take something away from him (like the remote or iPhone). But tantrums aside, he's an incredibly sweet little nugget and I'm so happy I get to spend my days with him!

You're so wonderful. I love watching you giggle and learn and grow and find your personality. Keep growing and getting big and strong, but don't forget about your momma's heart and give her a few snuggles here and there to remind her that you're still her baby! I love you more than words could ever describe!


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