21 week anatomy ultrasound

Holy cow. If you've had a baby and experienced an ultrasound around 20ish weeks, you understand how completely amazing this is. The technology that is available to us these days is INCREDIBLE!  Not only can you see a pretty realistic 3D picture of your growing babe, you can also see things like the four chambers of the heart, the brain, the spine and even the stomach and kidneys. It's truly amazing. The ultrasound tech is probably SO over it after doing these day in and day out, but we were freaking out! She showed us the umbilical cord and the amount of blood flow that the baby was getting. 

So. Completely. Unreal.

But the point of all that is to say this: baby Thomas is super healthy, measuring big and crazy active! We even saw him/her throw a little punch during the ultrasound! Booger butt (baby's adopted name since we don't know the gender yet) is almost constantly moving and kicking. Every night after dinner, we watch my belly for movements. Yes, I said WATCH my belly: we can see the movements now! 

I still have brief moments of "oh my goodness, I'm pregnant! What in the world!!" but mostly I'm just super excited and falling more and more in love with this child. I can't even imagine how I'm going to feel once I finally get to meet this sweet little one. 

Next up? It's nursery time! I need nursery inspiration, so if you know of any awesome blogs or Pinterest boards, send them my way!

Happy Thursday!


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