Dear Little One...

Dear little one,

Your daddy and I have decided that we don't need to know if you're a boy or a girl to start bonding with you and loving you. We're so excited to welcome you into the world and no matter what, you'll be our greatest adventure!

You've started kicking (or punching haha) me in the past few days and it's such a great feeling! I wonder what you're doing in there and hope that you're comfortable :) I'm trying my hardest to feed you good, healthy foods, but sometimes my cravings/food aversions get the best of me and we end up having ice cream for dinner. I'm sure it won't be the last time we do that together :)

I love having you with me all the time, but the impatient part of me can't wait to meet you! Only 25(ish) more weeks to go! See you soon, sweet baby.

We love you!
-Mom & Dad


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