The home stretch

Today I am 31 weeks pregnant. That means that there are only 9 more weeks until my due date. That's completely insane. This little one will be here before we know it!! Lots of people are starting to tell me that I look much further along and they don't think I'll make it to my due date. I guess we'll see :)

I have the first of my baby showers on Wednesday and I'm so excited! We also got our crib and picked up our new flooring for the nursery! It's all really happening! We had an appointment with the midwife on Tuesday and everything is looking good: it seems like baby has flipped to the head down position (for now) and I'm measuring right at 31 weeks.

The only complaint I have right now is a bit of back pain and some pubic symphysis pain. I am trying to stay positive as it's been a fairly easy pregnancy thus far but the feeling that your pelvis is about to split apart is a little unsettling. Luckily, it should all go away in a couple months when Baby T arrives!

Here's a sneak peek of our maternity session with Live View Studios:

We also started birthing class this week and we love it so far! Vaughan learned how to massage my back during labor and we decided that our plan is to watch lots of Friends episodes during early labor at home! It's all so exciting and starting to feel more "real" than ever! Vaughan and I are so excited to meet our little boy or girl and can't wait to experience birth and parenting!

I'll keep you updated on the upcoming weeks and the adventure of parenting that follows!


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