Full term and feeling good

Yesterday marks 37 weeks of pregnancy. That means I'm full term. FULL TERM! I can hardly believe that it's almost time to meet our little one! I'm still feeling great (other than a couple swollen feet and a few aches and pains here and there) and am so grateful for the amazing things my body is doing.

We've completed a class at our birth center and we're almost done with our Birthing From Within class. We've pretty much completed the nursery and I will be done working at The Coffee Lodge this week. It's really real. It's really happening. This baby is really coming and our lives are really about to change. I don't think it had hit me until recently. I don't know if it's even fully hit me yet.

Vaughan and I are trying to soak up every free minute we have together right now because we realize that those moments may be few and far between once little Baby Thomas gets here. Sure, we'll have date nights and we'll get some time away, but this will be the last time in our lives that we will be able to come home and plop down on the couch. The last time we'll be able to go out to eat and not be worrying or wondering about our baby for most of dinner. Everything is going to change. I'm trying to be realistic about that but I don't know if I can really even fathom the full extent of it.

These last weeks (or days if little one decides to make his/her arrival early) are precious and I will not take that for granted. I'm excited for this next adventure but also want to relish this last part of my "previous life." Vaughan and I are planning to spend lots of time doing...well, nothing. Lounging, sleeping, watching TV. That's our big plan :) And I'm so happy that I get to do that for a little while before everything changes.

Excited for this crazy change!!


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