The Third Month

We've come full circle. Almost one year ago, we found out that we were having a baby and here we are with a three month old! Time flies! This tiny boy has taught me so much about love, family, and myself. He has no idea how special he is to me, but I will be sure to let him know every chance I get :)


You are so smart and I love to watch you learn and grow! Just today, you reached up while falling asleep in my arms and touched my face. You looked a little confused, but you're slowly realizing how your hands work and it's amazing to see. You're drooling almost constantly and I'm starting to think you're in the beginning stages of teething! I'm still on the lookout for a giggle, but your smiles are contagious and I love each and every one of them. As much as I want time to slow down a bit, it's so wonderful getting to see you reach these milestones. I love you more and more each day (so much so that it's brought me to tears on multiple occasions). Also, you have the BEST chunky little feet I've ever seen!

-Your momma

Happy three months, Finn-finn!


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