Baby Thomas' Baby Shower
This seems like it was years ago and just yesterday at the same time! My mom and sister threw me an "adventure" themed baby shower last march for sweet Baby Thomas (we didn't know our baby's gender yet so we referred to him/her as "Baby Thomas" among other random names). I loved this intimate shower at my house and it was so sweet to see all my friends love on my baby even before he arrived!

Everyone wrote down their prediction for the baby's arrival date and gender. This was so fun to look at in May as we waited for me to go into labor! Vaughan's Aunt Sheri ended up being right on both accounts - a BOY on May 21st!

It's so fun to look back on this time of excitement! My life is so different now that my Finn-bug is here but I loved my pregnancy and looking through these photos again gets me excited for (a) one day hopefully having another baby and (b) all my friends that are currently pregnant!
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