The Ninth Month

Finn has officially been out of my belly for as long as he was in - 41 weeks. He's getting so big, starting to show interest in walking, and really finding his little personality. He's such a joy to be around. Even though he still hasn't laughed (other than a few tiny giggles here and there), he's always happy and loves to meet people and play all the time.

My Finn,

Don't every lose your sweetness and curiosity. It's so amazing to watch you grow and learn and I'm just so proud of you every day. You're such a great eater and we have yet to find any food that you don't like. I'm truly honored to be your momma! As you can see in the first photo below, it's not always fun and games, but even when you're a cranky-pants, I love you more than you'll ever know!



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