Comparison is a thief

I've heard the phrase many times -"comparison is the thief of joy." Up until recently, I never really saw comparison as an issue in my life. I found that I could be genuinely happy for my friends and people in my life even when things weren't going so well for me. The thing about comparison is that it tends to sneak up on you. After having Finn, as my entire world was changing, I found myself sitting at home with a pit in my stomach because it seemed that everyone else was so happy and joyful and I just wasn't getting back to normal. Physically, yes, I had healed and was up for my normal activities, but mentally I just didn't feel quite right. 

To be honest, I'm still somewhat in the thick of it. I'm still working through anxieties and other feelings towards my birth experience and trying my hardest to find refuge in my momma friends and family. I've tried to stay off of social media as to not let comparison get the best of me. But, let's be real, it's hard. It's hard to stay off your Facebook while your little one is nursing. It's hard not to check your friends' Instagram photos while you're posting your baby's latest adorable smile. I am working towards less social media time and more Finn time. These times are fleeting, I know. That's why it's more important than ever that I can feel good about myself and be the best momma that I know how to be.

Here's my goal: to stay honest and to find (or maybe build) a community. I want to post the good, bad and the ugly. Because there is A LOT of good and wonderful and joyful things that go along with motherhood, but there is hard stuff, too. I don't want to be the reason some other momma out there is struggling. I want to be the one who posts real, honest stuff on my blog and maybe other mommas will find that helpful. If any of you are out there feeling this way, please know that you're not alone. I would absolutely love to hear from you! Motherhood can be lonely and I want to extend a listening ear to anyone who needs it. 

Here's proof that it's not always pretty Instagram photos and happy smiles around here:

This was snapped while attempting to take one month photos. Don't worry, we didn't leave him there! And please don't get me wrong, I love my little bug more than anything and I think he's absolutely the best, but it's far from perfect at my house. 

Happy Wednesday, mommas!


  1. Happy to be here and happy to meet your little fellow! What real life!


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