The Second Month

I simply cannot wrap my head around the fact that Finn has been here for over 2 months now! On Tuesday, we celebrated his two month birthday and the arrival of his new best friend, Levi Jackson Raye. Tuesday was definitely a special day! 


You are getting so big! At your checkup today, you weighed in at 12 pounds and you're already 24 inches tall! We're so proud of how well you eat and sleep. Our favorite, though, is when you're awake and happy. You love to smile at your papa when he gets home from work and at your momma when you see her in the mirror. You're so close to rolling over and you still love your tummy time! This month, we went to your first concert, the birth of your little friend Levi, your first Kids Exchange sale, and your first church service. Thanks for being so snuggly and sweet. We love you like crazy!

Happy two months, little nugget!


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